The One and Only

The One and Only

About Razia Sultana

           Razia Sultana is without a doubt the most “Radical Change Agent” of all time. Her history began in Delhi, India in 1205. She was born into royalty as a Muslim princess. She was the daughter of Sultan Iltutmush. Iltutmush was a just leader. He cherished his kingdom and raised his daughter to follow suit. Razia Sultana was familiar with how to raise successful armies, and allocate within India in political and economic fashions. She was a very accomplished woman.
            The male nobility of Delhi was a self-centered. They focused on personal wealth rather than focusing on the issues at hand of the kingdom. Iltutmush was aware of the attitudes possessed by the male nobility. Thus, Razia Sultana was appointed to the Sultanate.
            Razia Sultana lived in a patriarchal society. Neither females within the kingdom nor females within the nobility were allowed and jurisdiction over anything whatsoever. When Razia Sultana became Sultan, the men within the nobility were infuriated. For a woman to be a more talented administer and leader of prosperous armies was unacceptable. Razia Sultana was removed from the throne after the death of her father. Nevertheless, she reclaimed the Sultanate in 1236 after a successful coup to remove her stepbrother from power. During her reign, she instituted public works projects. These projects consisted of the construction of roads, libraries, schools, and digging of wells among other things. In addition, she encouraged trade and supported the liberal arts. Anytime she conducted business in public, she would take on the appearance of a man. In her time, women were to be seen and not heard. Her appearance as a woman would not help her further her cause. It was her desire that she be taken seriously and only men were taken seriously. Therefore she had to be seen as a man. Among her accomplishments, Razia Sultana was an abolitionist. She had an overarching passion to eliminate racism, which was directed toward Hindus in India. 
            Although Razia Sultana accomplished a great deal, she also underwent much misery. In every moment of her reign, she was chastied. As time went on, she was forced to marry Malik Altunis –the governor of Bhatinda. This marriage would cause her to be removed from the throne and allow the male nobility to take over India once more. Her brother ascended to the sultanate in her place. Her father's worst nightmare had indeed come true. Razia Sultana was soon exiled from India and murdered in 1240 A.D.
            Through all adversity, Razia Sultana managed to make a significant impact on Indian history. She proved that women not only had the ability to rule, however they possessed the ability to much more efficiently and effectively then men. She instilled confidence and courage in Indian women. They were able to take pride in their womanhood, knowing the power they possessed. Unfortunately her insistence on change on India resulted in her death. India would not have experienced such beneficial change had it not been for the work and boldness of Razia Sultana.

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